Friday, August 10, 2007

First Offical Blog

First off let me say how hesitant I am to use the word "blog". It always seems to carry such negative connotations. Instead, I shall just call it my place to publicly rant about things that piss me off and possibly share a bit of my life.

I will warn you now that I will probably have more than my share of grammatical errors, but before any Grammar Nazis attack just remember... I don't give a shit. This is for me to vent and not solely for the entertainment of you. I will write in any style I chose. I'm happy if you happen to get some sort of enjoyment out of what I write, but to me that's not what's important.

I will also let you know right off the bat that the name I use is NOT my real name. I will probably never reveal it because I value my privacy and even more, the privacy of my family and friends. On the off chance a co-worker of my husband were to stumble across this blog, I would prefer him to not get harassed just because his wife decided to go off on a tangent because his skills in bed the last couple of nights were lacking... not that I ever would need to rant about that!

I will delve into whatever subject has me in a tizzy at the current moment. If that includes the latest antic antics of my children then I will. I know there are a few people out there that think we should never discuss our children, but well.... fuck them. If my daughter cuts her hair for the THIRD summer in a row I WILL talk about it if I'd like. That doesn't make me a bad mother as some believe. If I complain about something my children have done that doesn't mean that I don't have the ability to discipline my children properly and I let them run amok. ALL kids do things time to time. The parents aren't always horrible, evil beings. Overall, my kids are polite, well behaved, well-adjusted children. They are an absolute joy to be around. However, I encourage their individuality as well. I want them to make some mistakes. If I repeatedly tell my son to stop rocking his chair at the table and he continues to do so I will not tell him to stop when I see that he clearly is going to take a fall this time. As long as there is nothing dangerous around I'll let him fall. You learn best by making some mistakes, rather than everyone just telling you not to do it I don't feel as though that deems me to be a bad parent.

Okay, now that I went on for awhile about that I'm sure you're wondering what the hell provoked that (if not, well, I don't care).

I recently started reading a few entries from a very opinionated, and wonderful person called Violent Acres. As an example of how she feels about "mommybloggers" go here. She is amazingly honest in her entries, but there is a lot of animosity towards people who blog about their children. It got me a bit worked up just because I don't have very many friends nearby that have children and it's nice to see some people going through some of the same issues I am. I feel less alone seeing another mother OR father blogging about what their children are currently going through.

Aside from the "mommyblogger" thing, there are a few other areas where I disagree with what she has to say. However, there are quite a few entries that I can't get over the brutal honesty of them. I just don't get the big uproar over what she has to say. Just because she challenges the norm doesn't make her an inherently bad person. I think it's admirable that she survived the childhood she went through and has not become someone's bitch. I have seen far too many people come out of neglectful or abusive childhoods just to search out that kind of relationship as an adult.

Now I'm done with that because she isn't the focus of this blog at all. I just wanted to acknowledge that I think she has a wonderful site.... even if I do disagree with some of the things she has to say.

Tomorrow I'll do a bit better of a job introducing myself to everyone. Right now... it's time to end this rambling.

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